#!/bin/bash # Never run things downloaded from the Internet # That said... # Run from a fresh Linux install thus: # curl -L turpin.cloud/ubuntu | sudo bash # Get up-to-date apt update --yes apt upgrade --yes apt full-upgrade --yes # Essential apps apt install --yes \ curl make cmake htop git vim \ silversearcher-ag fzf dos2unix neofetch mtr tmux dnsutils stress acpi parallel \ tree locate entr libreoffice meld doxygen graphviz pandoc \ g++-13 libgtest-dev libtbb-dev libfmt-dev libbenchmark-dev \ clang-format iwyu shellcheck hunspell hunspell-en-gb tldr \ wireshark nmap xxd errno openscad docker.io time \ python3-virtualenv # There's always one... snap install --classic code amass # Machine info lscpu echo "Cache line size: $(getconf LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE)" # Dump versions neofetch free -h for app in gcc clang bash git; do $app --version; done